To Achieve great purposes for Muslim in Italy

Al-Noor Islamic Center
Al-Noor Mosque

We kindly request individuals to consider donating to the fund raising efforts of our religious place to help us continue serving the community as together we can foster a sense of belonging and enhance spiritual growth.

Build Your Dream

Dear Muslim Brothers!

it is Not Easy to Arrange Such a Large Amount, But If we all Participate together in this Good Deed and Charity and to be sure that the charity done in the name of Allah will never be forgotten nor in this life nor in the life afterwards.

1.7 million Euros

The Estimated Cost for implementation of such a grand project.

1 million Euros

Building Purchase cost: € 1 million

€ 100,000 Euros

In addition, One Hundred thousand Euros (€100,000) is Expected to be Spent on Architect and Lawyer Fee. 

€ 500,000 Euros

A cost of Five Hundred Thousand Euros (€500,000) is Required to Equip the Building with Basic Facilities. 

More Expences

Dear Muslim Brothers!

  • Which is Being Paid in Annual Installment of Hundred Thousand Euros (€100,000) from 2018. 
  • One Hundred Thousand Euros (€100,000) Which Has Been Paid as Purchase Tax and Notary Public Fee. 
  • A cost of Five Hundred Thousand Euros (€500,000) is Required to Equip the Building with Basic Facilities. 
  • In addition, One Hundred thousand Euros (€100,000) is Expected to be Spent on Architect and Lawyer Fee. 

Build Your Dream

Quality Services

Land Minning

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Building Staffs

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Material Supply

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Crane Service

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Transform Communities Across the Globe

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4446 Noble Rd, Cortes Island

United States

2367 Speers Road, Brampton


3851 49th Avenue, Kugluktuk

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Important to know

Donations Will Not be in vain But Will Lead to Our salvation, so then only, it will not be difficult to complete this project. 

Dear Muslim Brother’s, it is Not Easy to Arrange Such a Large Amount, But If we all Participate together in this Good Deed and Charity and to be sure that the charity done in the name of Allah will never be forgotten nor in this life nor in the life afterwards.

In Order to Raise This Huge Amount, The Management of Al-Noor Islamic Center (Al-Noor Mosque) appeals to the Muslims Living in Italy and Other European Countries and All Over the World to Contribute as Much as Possible Then this Grand Project Can be Completed as Soon as possible.